速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Christen Kobke Artworks Stickers

Christen Kobke Artworks Stickers


檔案大小:4.6 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 10.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Christen Kobke Artworks Stickers(圖1)-速報App

More than 20 stickers of Christen Kobke Artworks Stickers! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge !

- A View of the Square in the Kastel Looking Towards the Ramparts

- The View of the Plaster Cast Collection at Charlottenborg Palace

- Portrait of Adolphine Købke, Sister of the Artist

- Portrait of Frederik Hansen Sødring

- Self-Portrait

- View from a Window in Toldbodvej Looking Towards the Citadel in Copenhagen

- The North Gate of the Citadel

- Frederiksborg Palace in the Evening Light

- One of the Small Towers on Frederiksborg Castle

- Frederiksborg Castle Seen from the Northwest

- View of a Street in Østerbro outside Copenhagen. Morning Light

- A View from Dosseringen near the Sortedam Lake Looking towards the Suburb Nørrebro outside Copenhagen

- Autumn Landscape, Frederiksborg Castle in the Middle Distance

- Rough Sea on a Rocky Coast

- Boat dragged on shore

- The Bay of Naples with Vesuvius in the Background

- The Forum, Pompeii, with Vesuvius in the Distance

- Bay of Naples

- The Garden Steps Leading to the Artist's Studio on Blegdammen

- Gateway in the Via Sepulcralis in Pompeii

- A Mansion near Øresund

支援平台:iPhone, iPad